Friday, August 6, 2010

under construction

i started weight watchers 6 weeks ago. I've lost almost 8lbs since then. I think that's pretty awesome. I would like for it to be more awesome though so I decided to get to the track this morning. I did a jog/walk combo, alternating each lap. My best lap time? 2:36. That's ugly but I know it'll get better. All in all, when I add up my lap times, I had an 11 minute mile. I'm looking forward to when it'll be half that. Today, I'm going to clean the hell out of my house, finish painting the bathroom and hopefully get a P90X workout in before taking my 2 mile walk tonight once the heat subsides. I didn't do really great this week when I look back at what I've eaten (an entire angel food cake, for example) so I'm not super hopeful about seeing a loss at the scale this weekend. I'll still go and weigh in. I'll take what I get. I can always start fresh the next day.

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